How to make a million dollars with WebRTC

There are two types of people interested in new technologies: geeks who enjoy the technical high of being an early adopter or writing the early tutorials and books, and those who are looking for how to make a million dollars or more off the idea. Some of us are both,...

The ideal agile team is…

As a recovering agile coach*, I’m sometimes asked a question about the make up of an ideal agile team. The idea of having scrum teams around 7-9 people is well known. It’s also well known that they should be cross disciplinary, and that there are only 3...

WebRTC Fundamentals with Lisa Larson-Kelley

Lisa Larson-Kelley is a well established expert on web video, and recently she has applied that expertise to the WebRTC standard for HTML5 use of in-browser video, audio and data channels. If you’re new to WebRTC, the simplest and most common example of how to...