3 tips for Onboarding Remote Hires

Building a great remote team has enormous benefits. By expanding one’s talent pool beyond your local area you can dramatically increase your chances for finding people who possess the unique set of skills and talents for your team. As a product development team based...

Awesome team building for distributed teams

At AgilityFeat, we are a very distributed and very agile team. Culture is important for any team, but it’s even more important for distributed teams because you need a strong culture to overcome the possible inefficiencies of doing work remotely. There are many...

On Team Building, The Commando Way

At AgilityFeat, we work in a distributed manner. Primarily due to the insight that interruptions kill productivity and partially due to the painful traffic situation that exists in San José Costa Rica (where most of our team lives), our team members all work from...

Tips for Successful Distributed Teams

Last week I was working with an entrepreneur friend, who is building his product with a distributed team. His group includes people on both coasts of the United States as well as a two person team in western Europe. Throughout the course of our discussion it became...