When should you use the WebRTC DataChannel?

Let’s say you have a browser application that needs to keep data in synch between multiple users in real-time. Perhaps it’s a real-time data dashboard, or an online collaboration tool like Sensei, or a multiplayer game. Should you use a publish/subscribe data model or...

Real-Time UX: Still Loading

Interaction design for real-time applications is different than for more static or traditional web applications. With the advent of in-browser real-time communication standards like WebRTC, it gets even more complicated because you need to account for the interactions...

Why you are as bad at Usability Testing as working out

How are those New Year’s resolutions going? If it’s anything like mine, it’s probably not going quite as well as planned. You were really into your new goal for a couple of days, downloaded a new app to help you along, made some kind of plan, and then life got busy....

WebRTC is my hammer

If all you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail. I may be falling victim to this old adage admittedly, but everywhere I look recently I see possible applications of WebRTC technology. For those not aware, WebRTC is part of the HTML5 standard and it...