#AgileDevLab open at #Agile2012 to support @AHIPVA!

Written by | Aug 14, 2012

The Agile-Tee Quilt being auctioned next to the Agile Dev Lab.

The Agile Dev Lab is open for business at Agile 2012 in Dallas Texas!  This week we will be here from 9am-5pm Tuesday – Thursday doing Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) with Cucumber and Ruby to build the website wishlisting.org for use by non profits.  Look for us next to the big quilt in the central area of the conference, and come by to donate your time or a few dollars to a great cause.

The Wishlisting project being displayed on the big screen. Hey look, Continuous Integration!

Wishlisting.org will allow charities to list specific items that they or their clients need, and donors can contribute directly towards them. It is currently under development at conferences like Agile 2012 as an example of agile engineering techniques.  The efforts are being led by Arin Sime from AgilityFeat, Bob Payne from Lithespeed, and Kent McDonald from Beyond Requirements. but we welcome anyone to contribute so stop by!

All proceeds from donations made and the raffle tickets for the quilt will go to benefit AHIP. The Albemarle Housing Improvement Program helps keep families in their homes by raising money and volunteering time for families in need. AHIP’s mission is to ensure safe, affordable homes for our neighbors in need which strengthens families, neighborhoods and the greater community by improving the affordable housing stock. Even if you can’t stop by the lab, you can make a donation to AHIP here!

If you like what we’re doing, why not learn more about agile engineering, and in particular how it applies to startups and innovative development. You can join the AgilityFeat team in Costa Rica early next year at our Dare To Be Lean hands on workshop on the beach in Costa Rica. Sign up here for more information!

The wishlisting.org page for AHIP as it stands now.

About the author

About the author

Arin Sime

As a former software developer, IT leader, and agile trainer, Arin Sime was recruiting remote talent long before the economy required it. He founded AgilityFeat in the US in 2010 as an agile consultancy and then joined forces with David Alfaro in Latin America to turn it into a software development staff augmentation firm, connecting nearshore developers with US companies. Arin is the host of the Scaling Tech Podcast and WebRTC Live.

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