by arin | Aug 14, 2013 | Agile, AgilityCasts
Branching code is a bit of a pain. And agile teams need to do more of it typically. This is because we are balancing new features with production bug fixes, and working in short scrum sprints while also keeping an eye on longer term visions for our product. As an...
by Ford | Jul 29, 2013 | Agile
At AgilityFeat, we work by applying Agile methodologies in a distributed manner. Our clients are generally based in the US while our team members are located in Costa Rica, Nicaragua as well as the US (Charlottesville and Boston). Recently, I’ve had a few...
by arin | Apr 22, 2013 | Agile
I’d like to share with you a common cadence that we are using on agile teams that I coach, and also on many of AgilityFeat’s development teams with our clients. For an agile team to get into a solid rhythm of work, they need to have a set cadence of...
by arin | Feb 28, 2013 | Startups
How’s your year going? Ours has been crazy-busy. That means we haven’t blogged as much as we’d like over the last month, but nonetheless we’ve got some important and hard-learned lessons to share with you. We’ve just gone through a period...
by arin | Feb 18, 2013 | Agile, Lean Startup, Startups
Whether you are a bleeding edge startup or a large corporation running agile teams, here are four ways that you may be abusing agile concepts and letting perfection kill your chances of success. Product Owner Perfection In an agile team, the Product Owner (PO) is the...