Lean Startup Advice for Entrepreneurs

Eric Ries recently posted an article on LinkedIn called  “Five Ways You May Be Failing Your Company (Or Making It Fail Itself)”. The takeaways were culled in-part from last year’s Lean Startup Conference. The article offers succinct, actionable advice for...

3 Lean games for your next company retreat

Has your company adopted lean or agile, but it still hasn’t quite sunk into your culture? You may want to incorporate some lean games into your next company retreat or all-hands meeting. Games can be a great way to have fun, do some team building (without cheesy...

My Chores App

As our tagline for AgilityFeat says, we are entrepreneurs, it’s in our dna. And for some of us, some of that DNA is shared. Andrea and Daniel Phillips are the sibling founders of the My Chores App. The are also AgilityFeat team members so we sat down to talk...

UX and Agile: How we do it

UX Magazine had an article last month by Michael Lai entitled “UX and Agile: Tying the knot”, which used a great marriage analogy to discuss how UX and agile are and must be intertwined. At AgilityFeat we are very passionate about both UX and agile...