AgilityFeat Mobile Portfolio

Our visual designer Daniel Phillips and developer Andrea Phillips put together a nice portfolio of some of the mobile projects they have worked on, and so I’ll share a few snippets of that here. Download the full portfolio as a PDF here. Label It Label It is an...

What kind of startup are you?

What inspired you to start your own company? A particular passion? A desire for independence? Necessity? The ReadWriteWeb blog has an interesting post on the “Accidental Entrepreneur”, which I came across from seeing the Penninsula Technology...

Nearshore Agile: Why Choose Costa Rica?

We have explained before why we think nearshore agile is a good idea, but why choose Costa Rica over other Latin American countries? They all have convenient time zones for collaboration with US companies, labor costs are lower than they are in the US, and most of...

AgilityFeat Team Retrospective in Costa Rica

Retrospectives are important at higher levels than just your individual projects. At AgilityFeat we also hold retrospectives within our company and across our projects regularly. This is so we can look for patterns across our most successful projects and also learn...