Luxr launches video workshop series for entrepreneurs has produced a new “direct line to awesome” for entrepreneurs to learn, be inspired, and grow their startups. Back in May I blogged about their upcoming services, and now it’s live! I had a chance recently to try these new workshops from Luxr and I was really...

Real time app preview at MoDevEast

The future of web and mobile development is happening in real time. As real time data and communications become easier to integrate into applications, you will need to change the architecture and even business models of your applications to support it. Our team has...

Are you waiting for permission?

Am I really qualified to do this? Moments of doubt like that hit all of us occasionally as entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur must have two basic elements in order to go from “somebody with an idea” to an actual entrepreneur. First, you must have that idea, preferably one...

3 ways to make or break your startup pitch

I’ve spent some time this week at the Celebrate event in Las Vegas, NV. Celebrate is an annual startup competition, where hundreds of startups around the US competed at regional pitch competitions to win a chance to attend the national competition here...