4 Key Insights about WebRTC from the experts

This week I attended the WebRTC “conference in a conference” that was part of Enterprise Connect in Orlando Florida. In addition to being a welcome respite from the lingering cold weather of my home in Virginia, it was also a welcome opportunity to network with the...

5 uses for Real-Time Data Dashboards

What good is “Big Data” if it’s old and out of date? Data analysts and enterprises are finding more needs for real-time insights into their data, not just historical views into data. The term “historical data” is very relative of course,...

When should you use the WebRTC DataChannel?

Let’s say you have a browser application that needs to keep data in synch between multiple users in real-time. Perhaps it’s a real-time data dashboard, or an online collaboration tool like Sensei, or a multiplayer game. Should you use a publish/subscribe data model or...

Real-Time UX: Still Loading

Interaction design for real-time applications is different than for more static or traditional web applications. With the advent of in-browser real-time communication standards like WebRTC, it gets even more complicated because you need to account for the interactions...