Written by Arin Sime | Apr 20, 2012 | Events
June 4-5, 2012 Washington, DC DETAILS/REGISTRATION For information on other dates blog.agilityfeat.com/atdd-kickstart/ AgilityFeat is proud to be partnering with Lithespeed on our ATDD Kickstart classes, and so we’re pleased to announce an upcoming course...
Written by Arin Sime | Apr 16, 2012 | Agile, Events
Congratulations to Dave Haeffner for having his Agile 2012 submission “Selenium Users Anonymous” accepted! Dave will be leading a “counseling” session for Selenium users at Agile 2012 in Dallas. The conference is from August 13 – 17...
Written by Arin Sime | Apr 4, 2012 | Events
ATDD with Cucumber! May 14-15, 2012Richmond, VA Length: 2 days Cost: $1495 US / person Early bird registration $1395 3 or more people – $1295 each AgilityFeat is proud to be bringing our Acceptance Test Driven Development training to Richmond this May! More...
Written by Arin Sime | Mar 22, 2012 | Agile, AgilityCasts, Nearshore Agile
Today we held the first of many future “AgilityCasts”, where we record a short presentation by one of our team members on a topic related to agile software development, nearshore agile development in Costa Rica, or anything that suits our fancy. These...
Written by Arin Sime | Jan 13, 2012 | Agile, Events
Dave Haeffner and I are proud to announce a new workshop on Acceptance Test Driven Development using Cucumber and Ruby that we are offering in 2012. The workshop will initially be taught as private courses to companies, so if you are interested in a quote, please...