Software as Art

“So how do you ever tell your customers how much something costs?” My cousin asked me that question as I tried to explain to him what we do at AgilityFeat. My cousin is the CFO of a major division of a large multinational European company. He knows numbers...

3 Lean games for your next company retreat

Has your company adopted lean or agile, but it still hasn’t quite sunk into your culture? You may want to incorporate some lean games into your next company retreat or all-hands meeting. Games can be a great way to have fun, do some team building (without cheesy...

Branching Strategies for Agile Teams

Branching code is a bit of a pain. And agile teams need to do more of it typically. This is because we are balancing new features with production bug fixes, and working in short scrum sprints while also keeping an eye on longer term visions for our product. As an...

6 Tips for Effective Stand-up Meetings in Distributed Agile

  At AgilityFeat, we work by applying Agile methodologies in a distributed manner. Our clients are generally based in the US while our team members are located in Costa Rica, Nicaragua as well as the US (Charlottesville and Boston). Recently, I’ve had a few...