by arin | Jun 9, 2011 | Events
What’s this agile stuff all about? Come to the next AgileCville meeting and find out! Our next Agile Cville meeting will be on Tuesday June 28th, from 6-8pm at OpenSpace in Charlottesville. Please note that the date has changed from our regular 3rd Tuesday due...
by arin | Apr 20, 2011 | Agile, Events, User Group Reports
As mentioned in a previous post, we played a game last night at AgileCville’s meeting last night that was fun and definitely kept the conversation going. We had some very good discussions around a number of agile topics, and so that itself is the strongest...
by arin | Apr 18, 2011 | Agile, Events
Let’s play an agile game! Tomorrow will be the next Agile Cville meeting at OpenSpace in Charlottesville, from 6-8pm. The topic this month is “Agile Failure Patterns”, and I agreed to kick off the discussion. Rather than start off the meeting with...
by arin | Mar 16, 2011 | Agile, User Group Reports
Tonight at the AgileCville user group meeting, we discussed Scrum in Schools. This was a roundtable discussion of group members, and it was very interesting. Paul Erb kicked off the discussion for us. Paul is an Agile Cville regular, as well as the business manager...