Written by Arin Sime | Oct 10, 2011 | Agile
If you’re looking for a fun way to kick off discussions of difficult topics, then failure bows may work for you. In September I was at the Agile Coach Camp US (#ACCUS) in Columbus Ohio. Friday was “Games Day”, devoted to fun ways to engage agile teams with games....
Written by Arin Sime | Oct 7, 2011 | Agile, User Group Reports
I tend to write blog posts that are too long. Which is why sometimes I don’t blog as often as I should. But I really want to share everything with you that I learned at Agile Coach Camp US (#ACCUS) in Columbus Ohio last week. So instead of a long blog post that I...
Written by Arin Sime | Jun 8, 2011 | Agile, User Group Reports
Have you ever faced prioritizing a long list of stories or requirements and thought, “This is going to take forever!” I have, and so I was thrilled to learn a technique at XP2011 that helps with this dilemma. I had a chance last week to apply “Silent...
Written by Arin Sime | Apr 20, 2011 | Agile, Events, User Group Reports
As mentioned in a previous post, we played a game last night at AgileCville’s meeting last night that was fun and definitely kept the conversation going. We had some very good discussions around a number of agile topics, and so that itself is the strongest...
Written by Arin Sime | Apr 18, 2011 | Agile, Events
Let’s play an agile game! Tomorrow will be the next Agile Cville meeting at OpenSpace in Charlottesville, from 6-8pm. The topic this month is “Agile Failure Patterns”, and I agreed to kick off the discussion. Rather than start off the meeting with...