Wellbeing Consult Testimonial on WebRTC for Telehealth

We’re very pleased to release this latest testimonial from one of our happy clients at AgilityFeat. Wellbeing Consult is an Australian startup that came to us because of our team’s expertise in WebRTC and TokBox. We worked with them earlier this year to...

AgilityFeat team wins Telestax Award at TADHack Chicago

Our WebRTC.ventures team participated at TADHack Chicago and won the Telestax award for our hack entry of an Apple Watch app that monitors your heart rate and notifies loved ones if you are having a heart attack. You can read the full post about our hack on our...

A real time Lean game using PubNub

Building the Penny Flipping game using Clojure, ClojureScript and PubNub Author’s note: A portion of this post was also published on PubNub’s blog If you have ever attending a lean or agile process training, then you may have encountered a coin flipping...

PubNub publishes case study on AgilityFeat client

PubNub, a leading provider of real time messaging infrastructure for internet applications, published a case study this week on Decisiv, one of our clients here at AgilityFeat. Decisiv provides Software as a Service (SaaS) to the trucking and logistics industry,...