Written by Arin Sime | Oct 2, 2013 | Agile
“So how do you ever tell your customers how much something costs?” My cousin asked me that question as I tried to explain to him what we do at AgilityFeat. My cousin is the CFO of a major division of a large multinational European company. He knows numbers...
Written by Arin Sime | Apr 22, 2013 | Agile
I’d like to share with you a common cadence that we are using on agile teams that I coach, and also on many of AgilityFeat’s development teams with our clients. For an agile team to get into a solid rhythm of work, they need to have a set cadence of...
Written by Arin Sime | Jan 4, 2013 | Lean Startup, Startups
How do you convince engineers that it’s okay to build quick experiments, and deploy code that you will probably throw away? How do you convince rigorous engineers that it’s actually more efficient to work in a lean startup style? That is a topic that Sam McAfee from...
Written by Arin Sime | Jan 31, 2012 | Agile
I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with estimation. I find the topic fascinating. Estimation is like a car wreck, it’s hard not to slow down some and take a look, even if you know it’s wrong and you are afraid of what you might see. As my...
Written by Arin Sime | Aug 12, 2011 | Agile, Events
Are you looking for an inexpensive way to learn agile methods? Improve your agile engineering practices? Or learn about how agile methods are being employed in government? AgileDC is the place for you! I’m very pleased to be speaking on Agile Estimation...