Written by Ford | Jun 13, 2015 | Agile, Projects
We’re passionate about building beautiful, valuable products at AgilityFeat. We’re also passionate about Futbol and Music so when we were approached working on a project that combines all three passions, we jumped at the opportunity. The project beIN the...
Written by Ford | Apr 1, 2015 | Agile, Startups
In my role at AgilityFeat, I have the pleasure to work with entrepreneurs everyday. I love to spend time talking about project ideas and learning about what makes each entrepreneur passionate about their particular idea. Most importantly though, I love discussion...
Written by Ford | Sep 26, 2014 | Events, HTML 5
We are excited to announce that our resident node.JS guru, Allan Naranjo has been selected to speak at not one but two upcoming conferences in San Francisco. In October, Allan will be presenting at the HTML5...
Written by Ford | Mar 12, 2014 | Agile
We’re very excited to announce that AgilityFeat’s resident UX rockstar, Mariana Lopez has been selected to speak at the upcoming MoDevUX 2014 Conference. The conference will be held on May 19th and 20th in McLean, Virginia. As you might guess from the...
Written by Ford | Feb 13, 2014 | Outsource, Startups
What do you do when have an idea for a web-based business but don’t know how to get started? Do you need to learn to go unicorn hunting, I mean, go find a technical co-founder? Finding a technical co-founder has become part of the start-up vernacular in recent years...