The ideal agile team is…

As a recovering agile coach*, I’m sometimes asked a question about the make up of an ideal agile team. The idea of having scrum teams around 7-9 people is well known. It’s also well known that they should be cross disciplinary, and that there are only 3...

On Team Building, The Commando Way

At AgilityFeat, we work in a distributed manner. Primarily due to the insight that interruptions kill productivity and partially due to the painful traffic situation that exists in San José Costa Rica (where most of our team lives), our team members all work from...

3 Lean games for your next company retreat

Has your company adopted lean or agile, but it still hasn’t quite sunk into your culture? You may want to incorporate some lean games into your next company retreat or all-hands meeting. Games can be a great way to have fun, do some team building (without cheesy...

Why Entreprenuers Should Learn to Code

It may seem odd initially that someone who sells software development to businesses would encourage other entrepreneurs to learn one of the skills that AgilityFeat offers. Why would I want more people to learn to do what we can do for them for a fee? For starters,...