5 reasons you’ll love to hate agile development

If agile development were easy, everyone would be doing it. Or at least doing it better. On October 18th AgilityFeat CEO/Founder Arin Sime (that’s me) is presenting at InnovateVirginia on “5 reasons you’ll love to hate agile development.” In...

ATDD Kickstart coming to Richmond!

ATDD with Cucumber! May 14-15, 2012Richmond, VA Length: 2 days Cost: $1495 US / person Early bird registration $1395 3 or more people – $1295 each AgilityFeat is proud to be bringing our Acceptance Test Driven Development training to Richmond this May! More...

Speaking at #InnovateVA2011 Sept 16th

The Innovate Virginia conference will be held in Richmond, Virginia, on Friday September 16th, and I am proud to be one of the speakers there.  It will be an excellent one-day conference bringing together many excellent speakers in a cost effective and local setting...

Burning hours and points together

About a month ago I was working with a team planning another iteration for the project, when we had an interesting discussion about how to manage our burndown. On all of our previous sprints, our burndowns were based on hours.  That is, for each day of the sprint,...