At AgilityFeat, we are more than just designers and coders. We are also thought leaders. Our team has spoken at conferences around the US, Europe, and Latin America. We were early leaders in applying agile methodologies to nearshore software development in Latin America. We shared these lessons in this blog through 2015. These days, we blog mainly about our other passion, WebRTC. Find us at

NYC WebRTC presentation

Back in April I had a lot of fun presenting on WebRTC at the New York City Node.js meetup. We met at the offices of Shutterstock in the Empire State Building, and I was the second of two presenters that evening. Despite the late hour, the...

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How to make a million dollars with WebRTC

There are two types of people interested in new technologies: geeks who enjoy the technical high of being an early adopter or writing the early tutorials and books, and those who are looking for how to make a million dollars or more off...

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The ideal agile team is…

As a recovering agile coach*, I'm sometimes asked a question about the make up of an ideal agile team. The idea of having scrum teams around 7-9 people is well known. It's also well known that they should be cross disciplinary, and that...

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5 uses for Real-Time Data Dashboards

What good is "Big Data" if it's old and out of date? Data analysts and enterprises are finding more needs for real-time insights into their data, not just historical views into data. The term "historical data" is very relative of course,...

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Real-Time UX: Still Loading

Interaction design for real-time applications is different than for more static or traditional web applications. With the advent of in-browser real-time communication standards like WebRTC, it gets even more complicated because you need...

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WebRTC is my hammer

If all you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail. I may be falling victim to this old adage admittedly, but everywhere I look recently I see possible applications of WebRTC technology. For those not aware, WebRTC is part of...

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Why You Care About Responsive Design

Responsive design has been around since 2012. Last year, it was a hot topic and most entrepreneurs and technology leaders have heard about responsive design.  However, there are still many new businesses that are building new products and...

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