At AgilityFeat, we are more than just designers and coders. We are also thought leaders. Our team has spoken at conferences around the US, Europe, and Latin America. We were early leaders in applying agile methodologies to nearshore software development in Latin America. We shared these lessons in this blog through 2015. These days, we blog mainly about our other passion, WebRTC. Find us at

Improve your business relationships in 2011

I've heard other Agile Coaches say that leading a team through any change is as much about coaching them on their personal interactions as it is training them on the mechanics of Agile methodologies.  I was reminded of that insight when I...

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How Agile prevents the Chopping Block Paradox

That Sinking Feeling When a project starts to go wrong, you know it well before you admit it to yourself or your customer.  You know that feeling when you start to realize you don't have enough budget, time, or the scope is unachievable?...

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Fixed Price Agile – Oil and Water?

Have you ever heard that oil and water don’t mix?  It’s pretty common knowledge that oil will float on top of water and the substances will not mix together.  This simple chemistry is easy to demonstrate, and most of us learned it in...

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The Value of Coaching

If I could promise you returns of 6:1 on a project in a single year, would you take it? That is a pretty impressive return for a project, and most businesses would be happy to run a project that will yield that sort of return....

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Welcome to AgilityFeat!

I'm pleased to announce the official launch of AgilityFeat Inc. I've started this business so that I can apply my years of experience as an IT leader, entrepreneur, developer to coach your team to deliver more value to your customers. I...

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Failing Fast and Bad Stand ups

Note: This blog post was originally written when I was a consultant for OpenSource Connections. Recently I had a chance to speak about Agile with experienced IT professionals from the 2011 class of the UVa McIntire School of Commerce's MS...

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Virtualizing Development Environments

Note: This blog post was originally written when I was a consultant for OpenSource Connections. Agile teams should be based on talented development staff with multi disclipinary skill sets. This allows team members to easily trade tasks...

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Avoiding heroes

Note: This blog post was originally written when I was a consultant for OpenSource Connections. Everybody loves employees and consultants who can get stuff done. Especially if you've made a commitment to a client or your boss, it can be...

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Have you ever written an RFP the Agile way?

Note: This blog post was originally written when I was a consultant for OpenSource Connections. Scott Ambler wrote a very interesting article for Dr Dobbs Journal recently entitled "RFPs the Agile Way -- or -- Fear and Loathing in the...

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