At AgilityFeat, we are more than just designers and coders. We are also thought leaders. Our team has spoken at conferences around the US, Europe, and Latin America. We were early leaders in applying agile methodologies to nearshore software development in Latin America. We shared these lessons in this blog through 2015. These days, we blog mainly about our other passion, WebRTC. Find us at

Don’t discard TDD in the cloud

Developing software for the cloud can make test-driven development more complicated, but not impossible. In this article that I wrote for and, I offer advice for continuing good development practices in the...

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4 Tips For Automating Your Acceptance Tests

This article was published in Sogeti's QANews on September 30, 2011. See their article here Acceptance tests are a great way to improve collaboration between testers, developers, and customers. When all three parties agree ahead of time...

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Speaking on Agile Estimation at #AgileDC

Are you looking for an inexpensive way to learn agile methods?  Improve your agile engineering practices?  Or learn about how agile methods are being employed in government?  AgileDC is the place for you! I'm very pleased to be speaking...

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Stop fearing commitment!

Why are some developers so afraid of commitment? I'm not talking about relationships, but something equally as important. Committing your code to a repository before it goes stale or you lose the changes. I've witnessed a couple of...

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Speaking at #InnovateVA2011 Sept 16th

The Innovate Virginia conference will be held in Richmond, Virginia, on Friday September 16th, and I am proud to be one of the speakers there.  It will be an excellent one-day conference bringing together many excellent speakers in a cost...

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#AgileCville on 6/28: “Agile for Newbies”

What's this agile stuff all about?  Come to the next AgileCville meeting and find out! Our next Agile Cville meeting will be on Tuesday June 28th, from 6-8pm at OpenSpace in Charlottesville.  Please note that the date has changed from our...

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XP2011 slides on Range Estimation

Thanks to those attending my lightning talk today at XP2011 on range estimation! I'm enjoying Madrid Spain very much and the conference has been very good so far. Here are my slides from today's talk in PDF and Powerpoint formats. In the...

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Agile Database Testing

Last month the QANews newsletter by Sogeti was released, and I was pleased to have an article I wrote on Agile Database Testing published in it.  I've reproduced the article below, and you can also see the original article here. Agile...

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Agile 101 for business students

Yesterday I had the great pleasure of speaking to two undergrad business classes at the University of Virginia's McIntire School of Commerce.  The students are primarily accounting and finance majors, with a few engineering majors thrown...

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Speaking at XP2011

I'm getting very excited for the XP2011 conference coming up in Madrid in May.  I was also very excited to have my lightning talk on range estimation accepted to the conference.  If you'll be at the conference, I hope you'll stop by! My...

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Scrum in Schools

Tonight at the AgileCville user group meeting, we discussed Scrum in Schools.  This was a roundtable discussion of group members, and it was very interesting.  Paul Erb kicked off the discussion for us.  Paul is an Agile Cville regular,...

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The Iron Triangle revised to reflect people

I had coffee with a fellow software consultant friend recently where we traded war stories about recent IT projects. Jay told a tale familiar to many of us (Jay is not his real name, but the story is all too real).  He and his team had...

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