WebRTC is my hammer

If all you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail. I may be falling victim to this old adage admittedly, but everywhere I look recently I see possible applications of WebRTC technology. For those not aware, WebRTC is part of the HTML5 standard and it...

Real Time and WebRTC demo at MoDevEast

Real Time messaging is an increasingly important part of web and mobile applications, and David Alfaro and I witnessed the growing interest in this topic during our talk at MoDevEast recently. We have a very engaged group at our presentation where we covered our...

10 Resources for the new WebRTC standard

Bringing Real Time Communications to the browser WebRTC was one of the hot topics at the HTML5 Developers Conference that I attended this week, and for good reason. WebRTC is a promising new standard that makes it easier for you to incorporate peer to peer exchange of...