Announcing Dare To Be Lean!

I hinted at it previously, but now the fancy landing page is ready and I am proud to invite you to join us in Costa Rica in early 2013 for an awesome 3 day hands on workshop for entrepreneurs! The workshop is called Dare To Be Lean, and you can learn more here:...

The Potential Pitfalls of Outsourced Development

The Potential Pitfalls of Outsourced Development If you are looking for a nearshore agile team for a project there are some common problems to look out for, or you risk losing time and money. The short and sweet summary of these problems is: people aren’t always who...

Another reason to nearshore in Costa Rica

The finer points of bribing, and why you don’t need to worry about it Doing business in another country can be very exciting, but also comes with a set of challenges. What is culturally or even ethically acceptable in one country is not always the case in...

What kind of startup are you?

What inspired you to start your own company? A particular passion? A desire for independence? Necessity? The ReadWriteWeb blog has an interesting post on the “Accidental Entrepreneur”, which I came across from seeing the Penninsula Technology...