by arin | Jul 21, 2012 | Events, Startups
Do you have a project idea but don’t know what it will take to get it done? Do you have a software development project going now but need a different perspective? I love meeting with other entrepreneurs and startups and talking tech. I’ve got time slots...
by arin | Jul 17, 2012 | Events, Startups
Let’s Meet! My Office Hours Do you have pressing questions about your startup you would like to ask a developer and entrepreneur? I’d love to give you some free advice and hear about what you’re doing! I can help you think through what it would take...
by arin | Jul 13, 2012 | Events, Nearshore Agile, Startups
Hands on learning for startups, in an unforgettable place The AgilityFeat team is hard at work on some exciting changes this summer and some exciting things coming up over the next year. One of those projects that we will be talking a lot about on this blog is a...
by arin | Jul 5, 2012 | Events, Projects
AgilityFeat is building a tool to help non profits raise money and to help you learn Agile Engineering practices! If you attended the ADP West conference this year in Las Vegas, then you may have already heard about what we’re doing. In cooperation with Bob...
by arin | Apr 20, 2012 | Events
June 4-5, 2012 Washington, DC DETAILS/REGISTRATION For information on other dates AgilityFeat is proud to be partnering with Lithespeed on our ATDD Kickstart classes, and so we’re pleased to announce an upcoming course...
by arin | Apr 16, 2012 | Agile, Events
Congratulations to Dave Haeffner for having his Agile 2012 submission “Selenium Users Anonymous” accepted! Dave will be leading a “counseling” session for Selenium users at Agile 2012 in Dallas. The conference is from August 13 – 17...