A Minimal Viable Product to Make the World a Nicer Place

Abraham Lincoln once wrote, “everybody likes a compliment”. We couldn’t agree any more with ol’ honest Abe so when our friend Steph Hay approached us with her app idea to make the world a little nicer, one tweet at a time, we jumped at the...

beIn The Beat

We’re passionate about building beautiful, valuable products at AgilityFeat. We’re also passionate about Futbol and Music so when we were approached working on a project that combines all three passions, we jumped at the opportunity. The project beIN the...

3 IoT Takeaways from SXSW for Entrepreneurs

Last week, thousands of techies descended on Austin, Texas for SXSW Interactive. As one might expect, the Internet of Things or IoT was a hotter topic than where to get the best barbeque (here’s my recommendation by the way). The interest in the space was...

Pickasound turning heads

A few months back we shared the inside scoop on building Pickasound, the social music collaboration platform founded by Toju Ometoruwa and Adam Koehler. Now, the world is taking notice. Recently, the application was featured in a piece titled “Pickasound Adorns...