At AgilityFeat, we are more than just designers and coders. We are also thought leaders. Our team has spoken at conferences around the US, Europe, and Latin America. We were early leaders in applying agile methodologies to nearshore software development in Latin America. We shared these lessons in this blog through 2015. These days, we blog mainly about our other passion, WebRTC. Find us at

AgilityFeat is hiring for Marketing/UX

Marketing Professional- AgilityFeat is looking to hire an exceptional person who loves Marketing and is interested in UX to work in a combined role, launching our new product, enables UX professionals and Startups...

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A real time Lean game using PubNub

Building the Penny Flipping game using Clojure, ClojureScript and PubNub Author's note: A portion of this post was also published on PubNub's blog If you have ever attending a lean or agile process training, then you may have encountered...

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beIn The Beat

We're passionate about building beautiful, valuable products at AgilityFeat. We're also passionate about Futbol and Music so when we were approached working on a project that combines all three passions, we jumped at the opportunity. The...

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Building your Lean MVP with AgilityFeat

One of our most fun projects in 2014 was working with lean startup entrepreneur Steph Hay. Steph came to us with a number of project ideas, and through brainstorming sessions we all agreed to tackle a "baseball cards for CrossFitters"...

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Pickasound turning heads

A few months back we shared the inside scoop on building Pickasound, the social music collaboration platform founded by Toju Ometoruwa and Adam Koehler. Now, the world is taking notice. Recently, the application was featured in a piece...

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How we blended teams with a US client

How do you blend a distributed offshore team with your in-house development team? Our teams are based around Latin America and our clients are often in the United States. When you want to hire a team from another part of the world and...

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