Burning hours and points together

About a month ago I was working with a team planning another iteration for the project, when we had an interesting discussion about how to manage our burndown. On all of our previous sprints, our burndowns were based on hours.  That is, for each day of the sprint,...

Improve your business relationships in 2011

I’ve heard other Agile Coaches say that leading a team through any change is as much about coaching them on their personal interactions as it is training them on the mechanics of Agile methodologies.  I was reminded of that insight when I recently read a Wall...

How Agile prevents the Chopping Block Paradox

That Sinking Feeling When a project starts to go wrong, you know it well before you admit it to yourself or your customer.  You know that feeling when you start to realize you don’t have enough budget, time, or the scope is unachievable? Long after we first get...

Fixed Price Agile – Oil and Water?

Have you ever heard that oil and water don’t mix?  It’s pretty common knowledge that oil will float on top of water and the substances will not mix together.  This simple chemistry is easy to demonstrate, and most of us learned it in elementary school science. In the...

Do’s and Don’ts of tracking hours on an Agile project

If you are a consultant, even on an Agile team, you probably have to track your hours.  I used to hate tracking my hours – and I’ve seen first hand how it can demoralize people.  I once worked at a company where they decided to build an internal tracking...