AgilityFeat Team Retrospective in Costa Rica

Retrospectives are important at higher levels than just your individual projects. At AgilityFeat we also hold retrospectives within our company and across our projects regularly. This is so we can look for patterns across our most successful projects and also learn...

ATDD Kickstart coming to Washington DC in June!

June 4-5, 2012 Washington, DC   DETAILS/REGISTRATION For information on other dates AgilityFeat is proud to be partnering with Lithespeed on our ATDD Kickstart classes, and so we’re pleased to announce an upcoming course...

Dave Haeffner to speak on Selenium at #Agile2012

Congratulations to Dave Haeffner for having his Agile 2012 submission “Selenium Users Anonymous” accepted!  Dave will be leading a “counseling” session for Selenium users at Agile 2012 in Dallas.  The conference is from August 13 – 17...

ATDD Kickstart coming to Richmond!

ATDD with Cucumber! May 14-15, 2012Richmond, VA Length: 2 days Cost: $1495 US / person Early bird registration $1395 3 or more people – $1295 each AgilityFeat is proud to be bringing our Acceptance Test Driven Development training to Richmond this May! More...