Another reason to nearshore in Costa Rica

The finer points of bribing, and why you don’t need to worry about it Doing business in another country can be very exciting, but also comes with a set of challenges. What is culturally or even ethically acceptable in one country is not always the case in...

AgilityFeat Mobile Portfolio

Our visual designer Daniel Phillips and developer Andrea Phillips put together a nice portfolio of some of the mobile projects they have worked on, and so I’ll share a few snippets of that here. Download the full portfolio as a PDF here. Label It Label It is an...

What kind of startup are you?

What inspired you to start your own company? A particular passion? A desire for independence? Necessity? The ReadWriteWeb blog has an interesting post on the “Accidental Entrepreneur”, which I came across from seeing the Penninsula Technology...

AgilityFeat is building a tool to help non profits raise money and to help you learn Agile Engineering practices!  If you attended the ADP West conference this year in Las Vegas, then you may have already heard about what we’re doing. In cooperation with Bob...