Learning to accept simplicity

Recently I was in a meeting with one of our clients at AgilityFeat. The project lead at the client made a simple, but very powerful statement as we presented an assessment and proposal. “One of our challenges is that we need to learn to accept simplicity.” I love...

7 tips for Services Startups

Early in 2013, I was sitting on a beach in Costa Rica with the AgilityFeat team. Also with me was an author and visionary we hired to come work with our team for a couple days. That visionary was Patrick Vlaskovits, co-author of “The Lean Entrepreneur.”** As the Sun...

Coding Across America

Last year I blogged about how my friend Matt Makai is starting a 5 month journey to blog and code his way around the US.  I’m excited for Matt that this journey has begun!  You can follow him at CodingAcrossAmerica.com, and on Twitter. Matt started his journey...

Feb 28: News from the Startup Front

How’s your year going? Ours has been crazy-busy. That means we haven’t blogged as much as we’d like over the last month, but nonetheless we’ve got some important and hard-learned lessons to share with you. We’ve just gone through a period...

7 tips for when the going gets tough

Not every project is going to run smoothly, even in the best of teams. We have a great team here at AgilityFeat, and we’re very selective when choosing our customers, so our projects tend to be very successful. But every team is going to hit bumps in the road...