Announcing: Web Application Overview for the Non-Technical (it’s free)

Written by | Apr 1, 2015

agilityfeat, technical for the non technical

In my role at AgilityFeat, I have the pleasure to work with entrepreneurs everyday. I love to spend time talking about project ideas and learning about what makes each entrepreneur passionate about their particular idea. Most importantly though, I love discussion and strategizing around how to make each idea a reality. Doing so requires the right balance between creative thinking and disciplined execution, similar to playing music or cooking a great meal (except it’s a little more complex). But what I’ve come to realize over years of working with entrepreneurs and non-technical managers, is that there many of them have a blind spot when it comes to the understanding the basics of how web applications are built. And this blind spot can be expensive or even dangerous when one sets out to build a web application idea.  I should know, because I was one of those non-technical entrepreneurs who knew enough to be dangerous about technology!

After scouring the web for resources to share with non-technical entrepreneurs, I decided to build my own series of instructional videos. Recently, I’ve posted the first 3 courses in a free video course, designed to give non-technical people the basic understanding necessary to build a web application. No, this is not a learn to code course, although I think learning to code is something everyone should do (and hopefully this series will encourage others to join me in doing so). This course is comprised of short, 10 minute or less videos. Let’s face it, there’s a lot to know about web application development so I’ve tried to cut the videos up into digestible, actionable doses designed to answer the questions non-technical people don’t know enough to ask (or are afraid to do so). My hope is that the courses will enable non-technical founders to learn to ask the right questions of their development teams to better direct their web application dreams.

Today, I am excited to announce the launch of Know Enough To Not Be Dangerous: A Guide to Web Application Development for the Non-Technical. The course is free and designed for anyone non-technical working with developers. Non-technical managers, executives and entrepreneurs will all learn about how to better relate and work with developers by understanding the basic principles that underly web application development. And after taking the course you might just decide that you are ready to code yourself.

Check it out and let me know what you think because we all deserve to know enough to not be dangerous.


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