AgilityFeat speaks on Real Time Messaging at Mo-Dev East

Written by | Oct 11, 2013

modev-fudge-21 I’m excited to announce that AgilityFeat’s own David Alfaro and Arin Sime will be speaking at MoDevEast in December in McLean, Virginia. MoDevEast is the premier East Coast mobile event spanning consumer and enterprise markets across all platforms and disciplines.

David and Arin will present “Pushing Real Time Info to Your Users” on Friday, December 13th at 9am. Here’s the presentation summary;

What is the right framework for pushing real-time data or alerts to your users through the web and on their devices? David Alfaro and Arin Sime of AgilityFeat will take you through several opensource and SaaS frameworks that you can use. We’ll cover frameworks like, faye, pusher, and PubNub. Code examples and real world experiences will be provided.

The event will be held on December 12th and 13th. Registrations are open now and you can get your pass here.

AgilityFeat Central America Operations Chief

David Alfaro- AgilityFeat Central America Operations Chief

Arin Sime- Founder of AgilityFeat

Arin Sime- Founder of AgilityFeat

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