Feb 28: News from the Startup Front

Written by | Feb 28, 2013

How’s your year going? Ours has been crazy-busy. That means we haven’t blogged as much as we’d like over the last month, but nonetheless we’ve got some important and hard-learned lessons to share with you. We’ve just gone through a period of intense deadlines and some long weekends at AgilityFeat, but we made it to the other side successfully. This month our commandos share some tips for the next time your teams are under the gun.

  • Improving our Sprint Zero process
  • 4 ways Perfection is killing you
  • 7 tips for when the going gets tough

The AgilityFeat team on the beach in Tamarindo, Costa Rica

The AgilityFeat team on the beach in Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Improving our Sprint Zero process

How do you balance agility with getting a project off on the right foot? Agile teams don’t favor long requirements or design cycles at the beginning of a project, because they tend to waste too much time. On the other hand, as contractors to our clients, we also want to make sure we really understand what our clients want from us before we go too far down any particular path. So while our team gathered in Tamarindo in January, we revised our Sprint Zero process for starting new projects. Read more about how we’re kicking off our projects.

4 ways perfection is killing you

We all want perfect code and processes and the best looking site out there. But in reality these desires also have to be balanced with running a profitable business. The two sets of desires are not mutually exclusive, however, we still have to be careful not to let our desires for perfection derail us from business success. Here are 4 ways you may be holding yourself back.

7 tips for when the going gets tough

As I said above, we recently successfully made it through a very busy and challenging month. It reaffirmed a lot of things we already knew, and created some new lessons for us in managing teams and creating successful projects in the most efficient way. These 7 tips are guaranteed to help you too successfully navigate the waters of troubled projects.

Coming soon…
Have you ever seen the tv show Shark Tank or been part of a startup incubator or business plan competition? We’re starting up an internal incubator for our team’s many great ideas (or at least we assume they’re great ideas and we intend to test that assumption!). Do you have any advice for us? Send me a note at Arin@AgilityFeat.com or call me at +1.434.996.5226. I’d love to hear your experiences.

Hasta el proximo “Startup News” mis amigos … Viva la Startup!

About the author

About the author

Arin Sime

Our CEO and Founder, Arin Sime, has been recruiting remote talent long before it became a global trend. With a background as a software developer, IT leader, and agile trainer, he understands firsthand what it takes to build and manage high-performing remote teams. He founded AgilityFeat in the US in 2010 as an agile consultancy and then joined forces with David Alfaro in Latin America to turn it into a software development staff augmentation firm, connecting nearshore developers with US companies. Arin is the host of the Scaling Tech Podcast and WebRTC Live.

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