Oct 26: News from the Startup Front

by Oct 26, 2012Nearshore Agile, Startups

In this week’s “news from the startup front”, here’s what our team of code commandos is reading, writing and watching:

  • DareToBeLean Super Early Bird pricing ends October 31st!
  • Join Patrick Vlaskovits for a free Customer Development webinar Nov 15th
  • Lederhosen and Lean Startups
  • AgilityFeat presenting “Just Deploy It” at Ignite Lean Startup Conf in San Francisco
  • Why tech-based small businesses and startups should make design a priority
  • Fail Fast: 5 weeks and $52 later

Join AgilityFeat’s Costa Rican Code Commandos on the beach and learn more about best practices in building your startup the lean way!

DareToBeLean Super Early Bird pricing ends October 31st!

Are you thinking about joining our team and Patrick Vlaskovits on the beach in Costa Rica for DareToBeLean? Register at D2BL2013.com by Oct 31st for Super Early Bird pricing and save nearly 50%! You’ll come away from DareToBeLean with all the knowledge you need to build your product idea as efficiently as possible, and you might even have a tan too!

Join Patrick Vlaskovits for a free Customer Development webinar Nov 15th

AgilityFeat is excited that noted startup author Patrick Vlaskovits will be joining us at DareToBeLean. Now we’ve got a chance for you to meet him before your trip to Costa Rica! Join us for an exclusive webinar at 12:30 Eastern / 9:30am Pacific on Thursday November 15th. You’ll get a sneak preview of what he’s writing in his new book “The Lean Entrepreneur”, co-authored with Brant Cooper.

Sign up for a spot at the webinar here!

Lederhosen and Lean Startups

Now that’s a headline you weren’t expecting! Read this blog post for the story of how AgilityFeat founder Arin Sime missed out on a Lean Startup Machine event in Boston, but made the most of it with some impromptu Customer Discovery. Along the wear, he learned a lot about a business idea and even ran a race with a bunch of people in lederhosen and dirndls.

AgilityFeat presenting “Just Deploy It” at Ignite Lean Startup Conf in San Francisco

Pardon us while we rant a little bit. AgilityFeat is excited to be presenting an “Ignite” talk at Eric Ries’s LeanStartupConf in San Francisco in December! In our talk “Just Deploy It!”, we’ll be whining a bit about some common anti-patterns we see in software development that prevent startups from getting their product out to customers fast enough. We’ve even got some constructive ideas how not to fall into that trap yourself!

Why tech-based small businesses and startups should make design a priority

How important is good design in your prototype? Can you get away with a functional prototype only and leave the design until later? Amber Leigh Turner argues on the Next Web that you can’t delay good design.

Fail Fast: 5 Weeks and $52 Dollars Later

Jeffrey Bulla writes at Under30CEO about his experiences trying out a business idea for only $52, and what he learned.

Until the next Startup News my friends … Viva la Startup!

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